Starskipper Monthly: January 2025

starskipper christmas

Salutations, Starskippers!

Happy New Year to all! 2025 looks to be an exciting year for Starskipper Games LLC, and we’re excited to share some of our newest developments, as well as some peeks into what is to come later this year!


Starskipper’s Handbook Open Beta

starskipper's handbook logo

Last month, we talked about the upcoming Open Beta for our Sci-Fantasy tabletop roleplaying game: The Starskipper’s Handbook. As a very small team of only a couple developers, we’ve been working on The Starskipper’s Handbook for multiple years, and sought feedback through Closed Alpha & Beta testing. But now, the time is coming for The Starskipper’s Handbook Open Beta, which we aim to release in March 2025!

The Open Beta for The Starskipper’s Handbook will be free to play and available to all on our website. The released version for the Open Beta will not be representative of the final product, though the core mechanics and a majority of the content are what we intend for the full release version of the game.

Additional beta versions will likely be released as features are updated based on feedback. Likewise, additional content may be added depending on feedback as well. The full release version will also have full artwork and formatting updates, as the beta version is intended for playtesting and feedback only.

Shipping Cost Reduction

an example pricetag

We’re happy to announce that we are officially reducing shipping fees for all of our products, effective immediately! As this goes into effect on the date of this article’s publication (January 15th), any orders placed before this effective date would not have had the lower rate applied. This reduced shipping rate will be our standard rate moving forward.

That’s all for this edition of the Starskipper Monthly! Thanks for being a part of our cosmic journey, as we continue to design and publish brand new games and gear for y’all! It’s been an exciting experience so far, and 2025 looks even more exciting!

Until next time. Seek the stars!
- The Starskipper Games Team

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